Children & Family Ministry

Birth - 5th Grade


Here in Children & Family Ministry, we recognize that God calls us into ministry together. We want to walk alongside parents of all children. Our goal is to create and engage children and families through interactive games, age-appropriate activities, and fun! We want the Bible to come to life for each student. We believe that through the Holy Spirit we can equip families, create followers of Jesus, and learn to serve others. Come and walk with us.

Nursery Care

Located on the first floor of the Christian Life Center, our nursery is available to parents Sunday mornings from 8:00 a.m. to noon and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. (when our Adult, Youth, Children’s, and Music Ministries meet for Bible study, small groups, and rehearsals). The nursery is also available for many events and activities throughout the year.


We invite you to worship as a family. We believe worship is more often caught and not taught, so we provide an engaging Worship Activity Binder intentionally designed to help your child learn to sit and worship as a family! We love to have children & families participate in worship, especially on Palm Sunday, Pentecost, Hanging of the Greens, the Live Nativity, Advent Wreath Lighting, scripture reading, etc.


In the United Methodist Baptismal Covenant we are challenged to nurture our kids in the life of the Church and the Christian Faith. It takes 5 adults to help nurture kids into a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ and we invite you to join us as we help pass down faith to the next generation.


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